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Q & A with Keri Meyers of Keri Meyers Photography

Tell us a little about yourself/your business (how long have you been in business, where are you located, any special awards or features?).

I am located in Anthem, Arizona (North Phoenix). We have lived in Arizona for nearly 3 years. Prior to that I lived just outside of Seattle, Washington. I started my business in Seattle in 2008 and then moved my business to Phoenix in 2014. I have been featured in/on a number of magazines, websites, and blogs including US Weekly, OK Magazine, Baby Center, PPA Magazine and others. I've won local awards for photography as well as NAPCP. 


What are you most known for?

I feel that I am most known for my clean and classic style of newborn photography. My goal has always been to keep a consistent clean and polished look to my newborn photography work. 


How long have you been mentoring? 

I started mentoring in 2010. I have traveled across the United States and Canada teaching newborn workshops, but have decided to stop traveling and stick close to home to focus more on family. I do offer online editing workshops as well as an online newborn workshop, all of which can be found at


What all is including in your mentoring and what kind of experience do your students receive? 

In my online editing courses, students send 4-5 of their images and I record a video for them showing them exactly how I edit using their images. That way they can take what they have learned and apply it to their work. I've had wonderful feedback from this option and always love hearing how much it has helped my students.
I also offer an online newborn workshop that covers everything I cover in an in-person workshop. Students have access to my Newborn Workshop Videos (6 in all PLUS two bonus videos), my documents for clients, my newborn actions and digital swag from our amazing sponsors! This is a great course for both beginners and those that are just looking to fine-tune their newborn photography.
Lastly, I offer in-person one on one newborn workshops on a limited basis. In this two day class we cover everything from camera settings, studio lighting, posing, transitioning, working with parents, editing, styling and so much more. I am an open book.



 At what point did you go from seeing yourself as someone who enjoys taking photos as a hobby to seeing yourself as a photographer? 

I have always loved taking photos. Before I became a mother my passion was landscape photography. Then, like most, my passion shifted when I had children. I decided to take the leap and start my business in between the births of my two boys and never looked back. I still love landscape photography and love incorporating beautiful landscapes into my family and maternity photography.


What is your learning objective for your students?

When my students finish a course with me I want them to feel inspired, confident and ready to take their newborn photography to the next level. I want them to have a good understanding of the technical aspect of shooting and creating a great image straight out of camera and have confidence when working with newborns. Things don't always go as planned and I want my students to know that it is OK to leave out a pose or move onto something else if the baby just isn't having it. 

Do you offer in person or online mentoring or both? 

I offer both.

Tell us about your gear and your one must-have lenses? 

I shoot with a Nikon D5, Einstein and 64' White Umbrella. My go-to lenses for newborn photography are my 24-70mm, 35mm and 60mm macro.


Who in the industry do you look up to and why?

There are so many wonderful photographers in our industry. I have learned that what works best for me is not compare myself to others and really look inward to develop my style and what speaks to me. This has helped me develop a consistent style and be confident in my work.

What do you do when you feel unmotivated or uninspired?

I get outside. Being outdoors and traveling with my family really keeps me grounded and fills my soul. I love being outdoors in nature and taking in beautiful landscapes. If I ever stop doing newborn photography I can see myself traveling around capturing our country's beautiful landscapes. Something else that I do is do shoots for me. No pressure, just fun shoots that I can try new things and keep things interesting.


What do you think is the most challenging part about being a photographer in today's industry, and what do you do to overcome those challenges? 

The photography industry has grown so much since I started out. The market has become a bit saturated and that can sometimes drive down prices with newer photographers entering and charging less. I've learned you just have to stick to your guns/prices and you will attract the clients that value your work. 

What is your personal measure of success as a photographer?

This is a great question! I think this has probably changed for me over time. I've had the opportunity to travel and speak at conferences, which was a really fun time in my career. During this season of my life and career I really want to focus more on my family and clients. Success to me is being a good mom and wife and building a solid local clientele that I can connect with. 


What do you look for in your locations when seeking the "perfect" spot for your sessions? 

I love nature, so I look for beautiful landscapes for my locations. This may be in the desert, up north in the trees or at the lake. My favorite time to shoot is during the golden hour. We have the most amazing sunsets in Arizona and the skies provide the most beautiful backdrop for my maternity and family photography.

What do you believe is the best marketing tool for photographers to attract their ideal client? 

I think you have to present a consistent body of work, so clients know what to expect from you. For me, social media and word of mouth has proven to be most successful. Connecting with clients and their friends on Instagram and Facebook has always been one of my best marketing tools.

If you could go back and give yourself advice from when you first started, what would you say? 

I can honestly say I wouldn't change a thing. I have loved my journey as it has brought me to where I am today and I am happy with where I am in both my business and family life. Advice I would give to others is to stick with it, build your circle of friends that support you and keep on challenging yourself to find your 'success'.


What's your guilty pleasure?

Craft Beer ;)

What do you like to listen to while you edit?

Country Music. My current favorite is Miranda Lambert.

What always makes you laugh?

My children.

What always makes you cry?

My children... they need to stop growing up!

Least favorite food?

I love food! I can't think of anything that I've hated. lol 


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